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Newsletter - Current Feb 28, 2024
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The Rotary Club of White River Junction, Vermont, USA

The River Log 

   Rotary Wheel

 February 27, 2024 

 Read "Our Clubs"

                                                 The Rotarian, February 2024, p 48-53.


News Items:

 The war in Ukraine continues and the US Congress withholds its support.


Our Meeting:



    The Pledge to the Flag was led by President Joe and Phil lead "America the Beautiful". 

Quiet Moment:

    Margo gave grace.


    Noah Crain, Jenn Baxter, Ken Mastro

Visiting Rotarians:


Happy Dollars: Rotarian Wayne served as Sergeant-at-Arms.

The following Rotarians were happy because:

Margo - has a new car and brought Ken as a guest.

George - is  happy

Scott F - Happy PJ and Nancy attended the school assembly and talked to Seniors.

               Happy for the Boys Basket Ball team and their winning Season.

               Happy to me meeting and eating at Wicked Awsome Barbecue.

Brett    - Happy the Cellar Commmittee moved historical artifacts out of the coolidge cellar.

               Happy the last practice of the Upper Valley Hawks is coming  up.

Aaron -  Happy he is here.

Amanda - Happy for the beautiful day.

Nancy - Happy her daughter is mending after hurting her knee.

Lynn -   Happy to be back in White River after visiting her daughter in Pennsylvania.

Joe -     Happy for the Hartford Boys Basketball team playing for the State Championship.

P.J. -     Happy for this first meeting at Wicked Awsome BBQ

             Happy it is Black History Month.

Jenn -   Happy her daughter has chosen a wedding venue.

Phil -    Happy the UVAC has ordered a ladder for older swimmers to get out of the                               pool. Happy that Pres. Joe finally put a spot for a song on the agenda.

Fines:            No Fines. 

Songs:          R.O.T.A.R.Y was sung with enthusiasm by the Club Choir.  ;-) 

50/50 drawing:  No Drawing.

Business Meeting

     President Joe called on members of the Board to report the actions taken at the Board of Directors meeting held one half hour prior to the club meeting.

     Nancy reported on the progress the 100 Celebration Committee has made.

     PJ reported that the Board authorized him to sign a 5 year contract with Rail Events.

     PJ also reported that the Board authorized the expenditure of $400 for sound equipment for the Polar Express Train.

     The Club approved the expenditure of the $400.


Note: the Board Minutes will be produced in a separate document.




 Our speaker today was Noah Crain, Creator, manager, coach, enthusiastic supporter, of the Night Hawks baseball team.

     Noah reported that this is the eighth year that baseball has been in the area. He explained that the boys participating on the team are college baseball players that have been carefully screened. Noah spoke about the enthusiastic help of community members who provide room and board at no cost to the players. 

     Support for the Night Hawks is provided by the Major Leagues and communidty businesses and organizations that provide banners for the outfield fences.

     The Hawks make many improvements to the the playing field and support buildings. The are under contract with the Town of Hartford for use of the field and all improvements become the ownership of the Town. Noah expressed that their relationship with the Hartford Parks and Rec group is great and they work together verky well.

     Noah was very enthusiastic to report that the All Star Game for this level of club baseball will be held at the Hartford field next year.

     Noah spoke about how well the community has accepted and supported the Night Hawks and that attendance at their games is great. 



 The next meeting will be at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center at 12:00 Noon on the second Tuesday of March.


 None reported.

Students of the Month:  Honored every month between October and May on the second Tuesday at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center. 

Service Above Self Awards:  Presented two or three times a year to high school students who have served their community in a vounteer program.



   Members at the meeting:               Are highlighted below.

Jayshari Acharia, David Briggs, Scott Farnsworth, David F. Ford, Phil Hammond, 

Scott Hausler, Randy Hodge, Richard Hoffman, Margo Howland, David Landry, 

Aaron MacAskill, Joe Major, Brett Mayfield, Kipp Miller, Skip Nalette, Russel North, 

Gayle Ottmann, Jamie Peyton Heather Potter, Amanda Roberts, Nancy Russell

Wayne Russell, Aidan Saturley, David Saturley,  PJ SkehanRay Stanford, Lynn Towne,

Vicky Trombley,? Carson Wenz, George Wenz.      (31 COUNTED) 


   Rotarians in Service to the community:   

   Community members helping Rotary:


   Rotarians at Rotary Social Events: 

   Rotarians we missed:                            Are not highlighted above



                                                      13 / 31 = 42% at the meeting.

Make UPs Reported


Notes by Phil Hammond                                                   River Log Construction by Phil Hammond

Editing by Phil with Gloria's Memory felt                           Keyboarding and Email by Phil Hammond